Category Archives: Solo News

2020 Solo Season Points

At long last, we have final 2020 Solo Season Points. For the time being, it’s a scanned PDF of a printout where final corrections were made with pen and paper; there will

DRSCCA Solo Planning Meeting is on February 17 at 7pm

Just a quick reminder that the 2021 DRSCCA Solo Planning meeting will be taking place on Zoom at 7pm on February 17th. Meeting invites have been sent to the folks who have

Update on Detroit Region Solo

I appreciate everyone’s patience with the 2021 DRSCCA Solo schedule. There are a lot of moving parts, perhaps more so than in past years, that we’re working with, but I’m hopeful that

Final Season Ender Solo results are now online!

Whew, that took a bit longer than expected. But I now have results that I’m fairly confident are correct. First of all, apologies to the folks unfortunate enough to run in the

Results for 10/4 Autumn Colors Solo are now online!

Final results for the October 4th Autumn Colors Solo are now online on the current Solo Schedule page and on the 2020 Autocross Season results archive page!

Registration for the 10/18 Season Ender Solo opens on September 30th

Registration for the 10/18 Season Ender Solo at MIS was originally slated to open on Friday, September 25th at noon; we are moving the registration open to Wednesday, September 30th at noon.

IMPORTANT: 9/20 Fall into Autumn Solo is CANCELED

This is a decision that does not come lightly. Between the National Tour this weekend in Toledo siphoning away a large number of our regular core event volunteers, the sudden facilities change

Registration for Autumn Colors Solo is now open!

Registration for the 10/4 Fall in Autumn Solo is open on Motorsport Reg at The event is capped at 150 entrants. Note that we will be running the same split morning/afternoon

Registration for Fall in Autumn Solo open!

UPDATE: Unfortunately, the Fall into Autumn Solo is canceled. Registration for the 9/20 Fall in Autumn Solo is open on Motorsport Reg at The event is capped at 160 entrants. Note

IMPORTANT: New event schedule for the Dog Daze Solo!

As you may well know, Michigan currently does not allow for outdoor gatherings of more than 100 people at a time. In light of this, we are changing up our usual event