Welcome to the new Detroit SCCA Website

Welcome to the new Detroit SCCA Website.  We have migrated to a new Content Management System to improve our communication to our members.  The new site will have improved accessibility for mobile devices and improved security.  We hope you like the new look and feel of the site.  Many thanks go out to John Li, Bryan Danielson, Patrick Barber, and Mike Burns for all of the help they have provided in updating the new site and maintaining our old website.


New Features of our Website

Event Calendar

You will notice to the right a new Event Calendar.  This event calendar is linked to Google Calendars and will allow you to attach read only versions of our event calendars to your personal calendars on your phone or desktop computer.  Visit our Calendar page for more information. Calendar

Facebook Feeds

Our current Facebook feeds are presented on several of our pages. Visit our Facebook Page


With our new website, we have had do develop new a new Forum page.  You will need to register and create a new forum ID.  We are working to archive our old forum posts and make them available on the new site.  ETA is June, 2017.  DRSCCA Forums