Registration Open for Detroit Region SCCA Test N Tune at Oscoda

Registration is now open for the Detroit Region SCCA Test N Tune at the Oscoda Regional Airport, Oscoda, MI from Friday, June 30th to Sunday, July 2nd. Cost is $80 per car and $20 per driver. Event entries will be capped at 40 cars.


This is a 3 day dedicated Test and Tune at Oscoda’s Regional Airport.

To register online, click here;


Friday: Set-up course and timing, tech vehicles. Running hopefully around 12pm.

Saturday: Tech for vehicles that did not arrive on Friday. First car off around 9:00am, stopping at dusk.

Sunday: First car off around 9:00am, stopping around 4:00pmĀ to clean up.


Event Chair:

Matt Solnik –