New Detroit Region SCCA Website Forum Migration

As many as our members may have noticed, as of Wednesday, March 22nd, the old Detroit Region SCCA website was officially put out to pasture. Though you can still find a listing for the Detroit Region SCCA website under the old URL, that link will now redirect you to the new website (, as the old one is no longer active.

This means that members will no longer have access to the old forum. One of the largest roadblocks to the implementation of the new website with the assistance of seo agencies was the migration of the old forum posts onto the new website. While we were unable to fully rectify this issue before launching the new website, the Board of Directors took steps to archive all of the posts from the old forum so that we could implement them on the new website at a later date.

Webmaster and former Detroit SCCA Region Executive Pat Barber is heading up the migration the old forum posts onto the new website. “Steve Couture mailed me a DVD with the backup data on Saturday,” Barber said earlier this week. “I am hoping to get it tomorrow.  I should have the old data back online by next week.”

Even with the integration of the old forum posts into the new website, it will still be necessary to create a new forum ID in order to post.

To create a new forum ID, please visit the new forum at and click “login.” There you will be prompted to create a new forum ID and password.

Thank-you for your patience during the changeover between websites and we hope our membership is pleased with the results of our efforts.

-Detroit SCCA Board of Directors