SIM Racing Spring II Series Schedule

The DRSCCA SIM Racing series has taken-off and is now entering its third season. Originally created with the intent to bridge the gap between Real Life Racing and SIM Racing, it has done just that! Last month, 3 SIM racers successfully completed the Competition Driving School at Waterford Hills.

Equally as impressive, real life racers have been jumping into the SIM world to sharpen their skills.

No matter which side of the bridge your on, we encourage you to participate behind the wheel or as hundreds have done already, a simple tune into YouTube and get your front row seat as a spectator with coverage that rivals that of Pro Racing.

For the DRSCCA Spring II Series will continue to be run using iRacing, and we will introduce another SCCA favorite, the Formula Ford 1600 and will continue to run the Global MX-5 Cup Car.

The list of tracks for this season include: Sonoma, Mid-Ohio, Willow Springs, Belle Isle, Road America, Sebring and Road Atlanta. We will also host a 4-hour 2 driver enduro on Saturday May 18th form 10AM-2PM EST,

This series is extremely friendly with very helpful ambassadors that can help get you behind the wheel and up to speed in just a few sessions.

Full schedule, details and registration info can be found here: