2019 Detroit SCCA TSD Rally School

Registration has opened for the 2019 Detroit Region Road Rally school!

Are you interested in participating in a road rally, but don’t know where to start or what you need to know? Or maybe you’ve started to rally, but have discovered you need to know more to become more competitive? Maybe you’ve done a little rallying, but it’s been a while since you last ran and you’d like a refresher?

Then the Detroit Region Road Rally School is for you! This one day school, held on Saturday March 23rd in Whitmore Lake, covers the fundamentals of running in a road rally, and will prepare you to successfully compete in a road rally event. You’ll receive instruction on the concepts and techniques of road rallying, accompanied by a couple of practice rallies to put into practice what you learn.

Click here to visit the Detroit Region SCCA message forum post where there’s additional detail on the school.

You can click here to go directly to the MotorsportReg.com registration page for the school.