Memorial Day Solo Canceled

Update 5/8/20: Schoolcraft has elected to pull the Memorial Weekend event dates. We will be working to secure alternate dates for the autocrosses. Stay tuned!

I will be shuffling some things around with regards to the Online Solo School, so more details on that to come. I’m going to open registration for the Online Solo School at noon on May 11th.

And thanks for everyone’s support and patience.

Update 5/7/20: As I’m sure you know by now, the governor of Michigan has extended the stay-at-home order until May 28th. You may be wonder, what does this mean for the Memorial Day Solo events?

There are three things that would derail the event:

  1. The core event volunteers decide that they no longer want to put on the event.
  2. Schoolcraft denies us use of the site.
  3. The SCCA sanction (and the associated insurance) is withdrawn.

I believe we have the right policies in place to keep people socially distant during an autocross. In addition, there are more drastic measures we can take to increase social distancing at the event. Ultimately, our event is an outdoor one, and I believe that with the right precautions, we can run some form of event.

I’m working on the three potential show-stoppers mentioned above. I’m in touch with Schoolcraft to determine the ultimate ruling on the site, and working with the SCCA National Office on the sanction. The event chairs are willing to take a wait-and-see approach; should we not have enough critical event volunteers or the demand for an event is too low, we will call the event off.

For now, I’m postponing online registration of the Test and Tune and the Memorial Day Solo to Tuesday, May 12th at noon.

If there are any questions or comments, feel free to email me at Thanks!


The first solo event of the 2020 season is the Memorial Day weekend event on May 24th. This will be preceded by a Test and Tune on the 23rd. The Solo School will still be held this year, but the format will be very different — it will be a free online class that people can sign up for.

The changes to event procedures and event schedules will be detailed on the individual registration pages for the Solo event and the Test and Tune. We are following the SCCA’s general guidelines for operating events in this current environment, as well as setting up rules and guidelines that were suggested and discussed during the April Solo Planning meeting and the Memorial Weekend Event Chairs working meeting.

Registration links for the Memorial Day Events, opening on May 12th at noon now postponed until further notice:

In general:

  1. We are accepting preregistration and online prepayment only. If you are unable to make it to the event, let us know and we will either give you an event credit or a full refund.
  2. People standing within a certain radius of the timing truck and registration are required to wear masks. Otherwise, masks are optional in all other outdoor areas, but keep 6 feet apart.
  3. Cleaning supplies will be available at each corner station for wiping down flags and radios. The timing crew will be a dedicated event-long team and will have their own rotation and cleaning procedures.
  4. No novice course walk, and no awards ceremony at the end. The drivers meeting will be virtual, but there will be an opportunity on the day of the event to get questions answered by the safety stewards.

There is a cap of 110 entrants for the first Solo event, and a cap of 80 entrants for the Test and Tune.

If there are any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me, the Solo Director, at

John Li