Harkcom & Harkcom Overall Winners in the 19th Running of Son of Son*Drift.

Son of Snow*Drift XIX is in the books! While the running of this intended winter rally on Saturday Jan 14 didn’t exactly measure up to a full blown winter rally, intermittently icy roads still made the event challenging and entertaining. 27 teams competed, an excellent turnout. Overall and equipped class winners Dave and Dan Harkcom nailed the victory with just 7 points out of 21 timing controls – an outstanding performance!

Adam Spieszny and Piotr Roszczenko nailed stock class with just 69 points. Novice crew Cory Finazzo and Rachel Rebecca came in with only 119 points, blowing away their novice competition – that score would’ve been good for 2nd place in stock class! Great job!

Complete final scores are available at http://detroit-scca.org/e107/request.php?1836 .

Thanks to chairman/rallymaster Scott Harvey Jr and asst rallymaster Jennifer Glass and all the volunteers for putting on another terrific Detroit Region TSD rally!

Next up? The annual TSD rally school on Saturday March 18, followed by the Twilight Tour TSD rally on Saturday, April 22.