I want to volunteer as a Safety Steward

Solo (Autocross) Posts.

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Brian Thorpe
Posts: 251
Joined: Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:35 pm

I want to volunteer as a Safety Steward

Post by Brian Thorpe »

I am interested in helping the Autocross group as a Safety Steward.
I attended the online training class last night 3/16/2022.

I have a few items:
1) I have only attended two autocross days, last Spring and Fall. Both at the Schoolcraft site. I feel a little unsure about the knowledge and skills to do this.
I also have to read the 380 page Solo Rule book. I will focus on the safety chapters first.

2) I can only attend a few sessions, 3 maybe 4 (looking at the schedule). The Schoolcraft events and perhaps the MIS events.

If you and the club are willing to accept a part-time autocross rookie I would like to help. Do I need an interview?
I would also need to purchase the yearly SCCA membership (easy to do).

Tony Hangartner <tony.hangartner@gmail.com>
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:35 pm

Re: I want to volunteer as a Safety Steward

Post by eRic »

Hello Tony,
yes if you join SCCA and attend our Solo events we can have you shadow someone at events until you have enough experience. During our drivers meeting we ask for safety stewards to raise their hand so we know how many we have and assign them to a run/work group.
-- Eric Penn
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