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DRSCCA Solo #7: Fall into Autumn

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 7:07 pm
by Scanner
Sept. 20th DRSCCA Solo #7: Fall into Autumn at Schoolcraft Safety Training Facility in Livonia

It's time to get ready - I'll be monitoring here and Facebook event page to keep the list updated.

Event Chair: Keith Armitage:
Assistant Event Chair: John Li

Equipment Chief:
Morning Waivers (2):
Safety Stewards: Fred King
Timing & Scoring Chief:
Worker Chief:
Grid Chief:
Tech Chief:
Tech Workers (2): Cote Taylor
Novice Chief:
Course Designer: I have a great proposal from Al Chan

All Set:
Registration Chief: Tammy Breece
Registration Workers (2): Marissa Solnik and Jake Sippl
Waiver Chief: Greg Valade