Oscoda Test N Tune

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Oscoda Test N Tune

Post by LoganD »

I have a couple of questions regarding the Test N Tune at Oscoda:

1. Will camping on site be allowed? I figure it won't, but I thought I'd ask.

2. The event info on motorsport reg indicates that ONLY drivers will be allowed. I wanted to clarify this, I'd like to bring my father so that he can get out and have some fun, but he's currently injured and won't be able to drive. I was thinking about registering him as a driver and simply not having him drive, but that seems to be against the rules.

3. What sort of event schedule/course plan is in the works? Wondering if it'll be a skidpad, slalom, autocross course, etc. I've not been to one of these before (Test N Tune) so I apologize if this is an ignorant question.

I look forward to seeing everyone there and finally having some fun!
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Re: Oscoda Test N Tune

Post by jleez »

To answer your questions:

1. Yes, camping will be allowed on site. There will be plenty of folks who will arrive on site and not leave until the Test and Tune is over. ;)

2. Marissa Solnik is the event chair for the Test and Tune. You can send her a message from the Motorsportreg page for the Test and Tune and ask if she's willing to make an exception for your case. Ultimately, we want to keep the number of people on site to a minimum.

3. The Test and Tune will be a single autocross course with several different elements in it. You will queue up in a line and make your runs when you want to run them. Because the number of cars is limited, the amount of waiting to take a run is low, so you can run as many times as you'd like while still having time to return to paddock and make setup changes.

Hope that answers your questions! If you have any more, feel free to contact me directly at enginetone@gmail.com or Marissa via the MSR contact link.

John Li
Solo Director
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