Pavement Ends Rally

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Brian Thorpe
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Pavement Ends Rally

Post by Brian Thorpe »

Can someone please give me a write upfor OE of how the Richta app was accepted and what were its advantages and diadvantages. I noticed the Equipped scores were high compared to usual.
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Re: Pavement Ends Rally

Post by TeamHarco »

There were 73 controls. So when compared to 15 to 20, the scores are likely to be higher.

From my perspective, it was very interesting. So interesting, that I will be using the app for Son of Sno* XXII. My son operated the phone, and will do so when helping me layout the rally.

Among the pros:
Many more controls can be included.
There are no limitations on workers and getting them to their assigned locations.
There is no risk of a control crew writing the wrong time down or introducing mistakes (that is still left open to the RallyMaster).
Near-instantaneous feedback as to scores at each control, as well as a running total.
Somewhat more granularity in times. As opposed to 1/100 of a minute scoring, we are now at 1/600 of a minute (1/10 of a second). Believe it or not, we beat the team behind us, by 0.1 seconds!

Still a bit of a learning curve to understand it fully and to apply it to our rallies (and philosophy).
Potential signal issues due to GPS updates.

With some refinement of the first trial, I think this will be a huge step in attracting more competitors to our rallies. We can run more events, bring in new chairmen and try many different formats. For example, we could run a rally on paved roads. We all know the best roads are unpaved, but there are sissies that are afraid to get their cars dirty.
Team Harco Motorsports
"Win on Sunday, Sleep on Monday"
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Brian Thorpe
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Re: Pavement Ends Rally

Post by Brian Thorpe »

Thanks Scott
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